About Uptime Intelligence

Actionable insight for the digital infrastructure ecosystem

Uptime Intelligence is a research subscription service offered by Uptime Institute. It delivers in-depth, clear analysis and practical guidance focused on the present and future of data center and digital infrastructure strategies, technologies and operations. Subscribers include enterprises operating their own digital infrastructure and contracting with 3rd parties; providers of colocation, cloud and other infrastructure-as-a-service offerings; and suppliers of technology and services to all operators of digital infrastructure.

The service helps organizations of all kinds to be performant and efficient; to prepare to meet new regulatory requirements; to make informed decisions about where to run workloads; and provides insights to owners, operators, tenants, and suppliers across the digital infrastructure ecosystem.

Uptime Institute, the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, offers the industry Tier Standard and certifications, management and operations reviews, sustainability consulting services, membership network, educational training and a broad range of risk and performance assessments. Uptime companies include Uptime Intelligence, CNet Training, and LEET Security.

Research coverage areas:
  • Power generation, distribution, energy storage. Power generation (grid and on-site); carbon free energy; generators and alternatives; fuel cells; batteries; uninterruptible power supplies; distribution; topologies and rack design; best practices.
  • Data center management software (automation, AI). DCIM; BMS; automation; integration and system management; Machine learning and generative AI; best practices for purchasing, adoption, security; cloud; SaaS.
  • Sustainability, energy efficiency. Sustainability strategy; regulations; energy purchasing; reporting (carbon, water, resources, recycling); managing partners; IT system performance; effective designs, technologies and innovation; energy sources and purchasing; best practices.
  • Silicon and systems. Processor innovation; impact of GPUs; cooling and power requirements; connectivity/fiber; energy efficiency; power management; systems management; sustainability reporting.
  • Resiliency: outages, topology, climate risks. Topologies; impact of new technologies; economics; outage analysis and statistics; emerging threats; climate resiliency; regulation; single site and distributed architectures; cloud, availability zones; third- party risk.
  • Cooling and heat rejection. Cooling technology and innovation; economization; power and water consumption; direct liquid cooling; IT roadmaps and market requirements; heat re-use; resiliency; regulation; best practices.
  • Staffing and skills. Skills shortages; diversity; training and recruitment; keeping staff; causes of mistakes and outages; preparedness for emergencies; the role of automation; best practices.
  • Security and human risk. Understanding cyber risks; developing policies and strategies; assessing vendors; vulnerabilities and exploits; outage examples; assigning responsibility; ransomware; certification; best practices. 


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